Sunday, March 18, 2007

My flash- SHENG

I got the inspriration for this flash from Chinese philosophy (Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism) and the concept of "metaphor" learnt in DIM 1.

Through this flash, I want to make a comment about existence as cycles of life and death. Death is only a form of existence. (you see, though there is a chapter titled "Death", the name of the flash is "Sheng" (live; life) since "Death" is a kind of Life. People can reach the highest or final state of living by death or buy meditation.

(I try to put it in a simple way for ease of understanding. A more accurate way of expressing my opinion, if you're interested, is that "There are two parts of existence: life and “non life”. Human can reach the “not life” part in two ways: by death or by meditation. In the “life” part, each human lives as self, as a part of a family and a part of the nation. In the “non life” part, people live as parts of the universe. People are born as parts of nature and will die as such- existence continues as cycles like that. Cycles of lives, harmony between yin and yang- existence is defined by definite natural laws. " (quoted from my Statement in Dim 1))

I intentionally used the two black rectangulars in this flash. They stand for the "yin". The white space in which scenes take place stands for "yang"- life, male, etc. You can see that when the soldiers die, they fall into the black area- return to the "yin". When the woman reaches the highest state of meditation, she dissolves into the white area-"yang". And at the end, these areas again transform themselves back to the image of the "yin" and "yang" circle at the beginning. => "Yin" and "yang" are materials to create this world.

This flash illustrate the three relationships of human in life: with family, with nation and with nature.

Some examples of how I used metaphor:

+ The black image of the woman (yin) on the wall: a metaphor for the inferiority of women in old China: they were only men’s shadows
+ The blurring of the image of woman meditating until becoming totally white: integrating into the infinite
+ The colour black (black frame, black woman): yin; death
+ The dying man disappears into the black frame+ the black frame covering the white circle (white circle- a metaphor for the world) then becoming half of it (at the end), repeating the first image: reincarnation; the division of the world into two world of life and death; life is a continuous cycle etc.
+ Three bows: wedding
+ The word "ai" (Chinese word for "love")

Some examples of how I created a Chinese atmosphere:
+ I listened to notice the Chinese music’s typical rhythm to imitate it in the two short music at the beginning and the end of the flash that I composed.
+ The title of each chapter is presented like in Chinese movies and written in Chinese
+ The image of the yin and yang circle
+ The word “ai” (love)
+ The temple
+ The sound of meditation usually heard in Chinese temples
+ The Chinese wedding
+ Etc.

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